Thursday, May 1, 2008

Getting Started

Well, today is the the start of blogging for me. It's a very new venture and I hope to move from the trembling uncertainty (actually terror!) with which I usually approach any online transactions, to a new feeling of confidence, competence and enjoyment. I hope so!

It has been interesting to have a look at how other blogs are being used. I thought the British Libary and "Turning the Pages" was really impressive. The immediacy of clients' responses and their enthusiam show that this is a very exciting way to reach out and share the wonders of our collections and to hear back that people are enjoying and appreciating them too.

I'm looking forward to an interesting journey as I venture forth. It's a big jump for me into the unknown. Here goes as I post this ....!

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Welcome aboard! Your blog looks great and we hope you enjoy the journey.
Mylee (PLS)